Document 1986 DOCN M94A1986 TI Prevention program for Salvation Army professionals and residents. DT 9412 AU Cherabi K; Lebaillif D; ARCAT-SIDA, Paris, France. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):406 (abstract no. PD0233). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370589 AB OBJECTIVE: The salvation Army oversees and operates a number of housing centers in Paris. It works for the extremely vulnerable. The program described involved 375 residents of housing centers and 100 employees. The thrust of the project was to provide access to prevention, assistance and care adapted to the needs of the HIV positive who are especially vulnerable and socially ostracized. DESCRIPTION: The six essential points of the joint ARCAT-SIDA--Salvation Army project are listed below: install condom vending machines, increase the awareness of Salvation Army professionals, hold awareness sessions for residents, train Salvation Army professionals, host regular events to create a sense of active involvement, provide 24 hours service for residents adapted to their personal needs. CONCLUSION: On the professional side, the sessions were proof of their concern about AIDS and a sign of their willingness to work with HIV positive (for structural reasons, it was not possible to work with people with full-blown AIDS). This said, a number of persistent worries caused some to be either overly protective and paternalistic with an intermingling of a feeling of helplessness, or to pull back and request that they be informed of the serological status of those concerned, thereby stigmatizing those people. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Housing Human HIV Seropositivity/PSYCHOLOGY/*REHABILITATION *Organizations, Nonprofit Paris Voluntary Workers/EDUCATION/*PSYCHOLOGY MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).